Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011
Krisis hutang: Zon Eropah perlu bantuan
Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011
Moody's unjur ekonomi AS meleset 12 bulan lagi
WASHINGTON 11 Okt. - Kegagalan ahli-ahli politik mencapai kata sepakat berhubung pengurangan defisit dan tindakan menyalahkan pemimpin Eropah secara berterusan boleh menyebabkan Amerika Syarikat (AS) terjerumus dalam kemelesetan ekonomi dalam tempoh 12 bulan akan datang.
Sabtu, 1 Oktober 2011
Penggunaan Dinar Emas |
Dinar boleh digunakan sebagai: 1. Penyimpan kekayaan 2. Untuk membayar zakat 3. Untuk membayar mas kahwin 4. Sebagai hadiah 5. Sebagai medium pertukaran yang sah bagi urusan jual beli.
Dinar sebagai penyimpan kekayaan.
Masyarakat di seluruh dunia mengiktiraf emas sebagai simbol kekayaan, kekuasaan dan kecantikan. Emas mempunyai nilai intrinsiknya yang tersendiri dan nilainya tidak mungkin menjadi sifar. Selain itu, sifatnya yang cantik, sukar ditemui dan unik menyebabkan manusia menghargai emas. Sejarah membuktikan bahawa emas merupakan penyimpan nilai terunggul apabila wang kertas mengalami kemerosotan nilai. Dengan menyimpan sebahagian daripada aset anda di dalam bentuk emas, anda mempunyai insurans untuk melindungi kekayaan anda . Untuk membayar zakat. Sejak awal lagi, zakat dibayar menggunakan dinar dan dirham. Pembayaran zakat tidak pernah menggunakan wang kertas sehinggalah kejatuhan kerajaan Uthmaniyah.
Ini kerana zakat perlu dibayar menggunakan aset yang nyata, di dalam Bahasa Arab dipanggil "ain". Zakat tidak boleh dibayar dengan janji untuk membayar (atau hutang, di dalam bahasa Arab dipanggil "dayn".
Dinar dan dirham adalah termasuk dalam kategori 'ain' manakala wang kertas pula termasuk di dalam kategori 'dayn'.
Wang kertas dipanggil 'fulus' kerana ia hanya mewakili wang dan ia tidak mempunyai nilai sebagai barangan.
Oleh yang demikian, adalah penting bagi umat Islam untuk beralih kepada dinar dan dirham sebagai medium pembayaran zakat.
Untuk membayar mas kahwin. Mas kahwin ialah dibayar oleh seorang suami kepada bakal isterinya. Ianya dibayar kepada isteri sebagai tanda menghormatinya dan juga menunjukkan kesungguhan mengahwininya seta tidak sewenang-wenangnya memasuki kontrak perkahwinan tanpa rasa tanggungjawab di pihaknya.
Di Malaysia misalnya, salah seorang artis popular yang menggunakan dinar sebagai mas kahwin ialah M Nasir ketika berkahwin dengan Marlia Musa. Mas kahwin mereka ialah 13 dinar.
Maklumat lanjut boleh diperoleh di sini:
http://utusan.com.my/utusan/info.asp?y=2000&dt=0903&pub=utusan_malaysia&sec=hiburan&pg=et_02.htm&arc=hive&arc=hive Dinar sebagai hadiah. Memandangkan emas mempunyai sifat cantik, sukar diperoleh dan mempunyai nilai intrinsiknya yang tersendiri, ia amat sesuai diberikan sebagai hadiah. Ini kerana emas begitu dihargai oleh manusia. Sebab itu kita boleh lihat generasi tua mewariskan barangan kemas kepada generasi muda, contohnya subang, rantai, gelang cincin dan sebagainya. Sebagai medium pertukaran yang sah bagi urusan jual beli. Emas ialah wang yang terunggul. Kenapa? Kerana ia memenuhi ciri-ciri sebagai wang. Ianya sukar diperoleh, cantik, mudah dibahagikan, mudah dibawa, diterima oleh seluruh manusia dan tidak boleh dimusnahkan.
Sejak 3000 tahun emas telah digunakan sebagai wang oleh manusia (syiling emas pertama dite mpa di Lydia kira-kira 700 tahun SM). Fungsi emas yang utama telah dikenal pasti sebagai medium pertukaran yang unggul. Sejarah wang kertas dan logam murah yang tidak disandarkan kepada emas dan perak cuma bermula kira-kira 40 tahun (1970 sehingga sekarang)
Khamis, 29 September 2011
Harga emas jatuh mendadak
Kontrak semasa emas semalam terus mengalami penyusutan dengan kejatuhan 5.8 peratus kepada AS$1,561.69 seauns kejatuhan harian terbesar sejak Oktober 2008.
Ahli Ekonomi Kanan Penyelidikan UOB, Alvin Liew, berkata sebelum ini tunai digunakan untuk melabur dalam komoditi khususnya emas dan perak.
Bagaimanapun, katanya emas kini bukan lagi instrumen menarik untuk melindungi pelaburan daripada inflasi susulan masalah hutang Eropah dan jangkaan inflasi Amerika Syarikat (AS).
Kedua-dua masalah itu menyaksikan dana mengalir kembali ke AS, yang mana menyaksikan peningkatan semula nilai dolar.
Namun begitu, dalam jangka panjang, emas masih memiliki nilainya yang tersendiri dan harganya akan meningkat dalam tempoh akan datang, jelasnya.
Bagi Ketua Penyelidikan Komoditi, Pengurusan Kekayaan UBS, Dominic Schnider, berkata dari sudut teknikal, emas masih belum memasuki jajaran terlebih jualan dan secara keseluruhannya aliran kenaikan kini semakin pudar.
Harga komoditi itu dijangka meningkat semula kerana sebelum ini, kami sudah menyaksikan peningkatan permintaan fizikal yang kukuh terhadap komoditi itu khususnya dari Asia dan secara bermusim, ia akan memasuki tempoh permintaan tinggi, katanya.
Pakar Ekonomi Serantau Penyelidik CIMB, Song Seng Wun, berkata ramai yang memperkatakan mengenai risiko emas akan memasuki jajaran terlebih belian, namun ia meningkat naik sejak empat tahun lalu.
Dengan tekanan kemelesetan meningkat, berlaku peralihan pelaburan kepada instrumen yang benar-benar selamat iaitu dolar AS dan Perbendaharaan AS, katanya.
Sementara itu, Penganalisis Phillip Futures, Ong Yi Ling, berkata kini harga emas sudah susut ke bawah paras purata 100 hari dan 150 hari dan ia memberi isyarat aliran penurunan akan berlaku dalam jangka pendek.
Untuk jangka panjang, selepas harganya kembali stabil dan keadaan kembali normal, instrumen pelaburan selamat itu akan kembali meningkat, katanya. Reuters
The Gold Tsunami Wave Cycle
The Gold (and Silver) bull continues to closely follow the giant wave formation of a tsunami. The recent more parabolic rise in Gold up to above $1,900 is analogous to the little ridge of water we first saw way out in the distance, and now, much like when the waters recede from the shore early in the tsunami wave formation, Gold is undergoing a correction.
As the “Gold” waters recede
The Fed Shows Inflation When They Want To and Deflation When They Want To
Last week, the Fed met for a special two-day meeting that ended with a dull thud as they announced “The Twist” that sounds a bit like a dance from the 60s. They also stated that the economy was weakening - economic weakness that has motivated them to aggressively inflate the US Dollar for 10 years, now. Yet, market expectations were for the Fed to announce another round of Dollar Inflation via QE3 at the special 2 day meeting so the markets sold off in response to the failure of the Fed’s announcement.
What occurred in the Precious Metals markets seems a bit absurd as Gold and Silver were pounded aggressively lower in price though the Fed often leads rounds of Dollar Inflation with suggestive hints of deflationary pressures. To some extent it defines the need for their move, and it probably intends to show that they are in control of something that they cannot control. The massive deflationary backdrop of debt demands that they either “inflate or die.”
Commentators noted that the exaggerated fall in Gold, Silver, and in the PM stocks resulted from margin calls “where investors sell what they have to sell.” Yet, the extent of the weekly fall in the DJIA was rather small compared to the 2 week fall back in early August - a time when Gold, Silver, and the PM Stocks moved higher. A more likely cause for the fall in the PM sector lies in the Fed’s failure to announce QE3 as it pointed to economic weakness, combined with this coming Tuesday’s Gold and Silver options expiration date - a monthly bashing that generally sees Gold and Silver whacked to lower levels. Further downside pressure on the PM sector probably stems from big trading firms reversing their “long Gold/ short PM stock ratio trade.” The large swings in the Gold price over the last 30 days provided the volume they needed to sell paper gold, and to cover and accumulate the Gold and Silver shares. Given the timing one has to wonder whether these large traders are the same firms who trade for the Market Stabilization Fund, and if they knew in advance that the Fed would tip its comments to deflation this week.
The Gold Chart
The following Gold Chart shows that the cyclical tendency since early 2009 has been for Gold to bottom at the green arrows with Gold correcting down to and through the dotted Bollinger Band (BB) mid-line to hit the 34 week exponential moving average while the RSI Indicator approaches the 50 line. Gold fell to the BB mid-line on Friday as the RSI approached the 50 line. Black rays off of the 2008 top show that Gold has been bottoming at each black line extended over the “last top.” Gold reached that juncture on Friday. We might see Gold weakness early next week, but we expect the basic relationship to hold. Near this point in the 70’s Gold Chart, an imminent bottom produced a sharp rise.
1) A major bottom for the PM stock indices is now in place as we laid out for subscribers (see HERE for subscription details) early in the week of August 8th based on the fractal relationship to 1979.
2) Price and the technical Indicator readings for the PM Stock Indices continue to track the 1970’s with much higher prices expected in the intermediate-term. Per the 70’s PM Stock Model we expect this run to be the first, and smallest, of 3 momentum runs to come for the PM stock indices over the next few years. The mid-900s appear to be a realistic target for the HUI Index into year-end, or into early 2012.
3) We have reached the point in the cycle where leverage returns to the PM stocks with a vengeance per the late 1970s charts.
4) The fundamentals for Gold, Silver, and the PM Stocks could never be better. In fact, the Fed’s announcement this week was read as “deflationary”, where in reality it screamed, “We must launch an accelerated program of Dollar Inflation, and soon!”
5) Gold has now corrected in a very similar time sequence to the late 70’s, though the depth of the correction has been deeper over the last 2 days.Current Gold price relationships to the Bollinger Band mid-line and 34 EMA line suggest that an intermediate-term bottom is likely due this coming week. Such a bottom would fit the 70’s model nicely.
6) The US cannot pay its “regular bills” and interest on its debt, based on its current cash flow, much less cover other important needs that are growing astronomically. We now depend on the Fed printing an accelerating number of Dollars. This is what QE is - pure debt monetization that devalues the US Dollar aggressively. For the U.S. economy, it is either “print or die.” We expect that the Fed will print while acting like they have some choice in the matter other than a total Deflationary Depression. This fact has been true since early last decade.
7) The Fed generally appears to prefer to see the prices of Gold, Silver, and the Commodities correct to create overhead resistance on the charts before they announce Dollar Inflation moves. That is probably what was intended via the announcement at their special 2-day meeting creating the exaggerated fall in the PM sector this week - coupled with the usual sharp weakness going into Gold and Silver options expiration, next Tuesday.
8) With the big funds ending the long Gold/ short PM stock ratio trade, the PM stocks should be heavily supported after this bottom is complete.
9) The long-term PM Stock Model from the 70’s suggests that we will be entering the “sweet spot” of a 3rd Wave advance as soon as this correction is over.
10) Our upside targets for Silver for this run into late 2011/ early 2012 of $52 to $56 should be achievable for silver, with $58 to $62 as real possibilities.
11) We still expect all of our intermediate upside price objectives for Gold to be reached by late this year, or early next. We expect the next run in Gold to reach the $2250 level and $2500 level before a higher run takes us up to $3,000 Gold, or higher.
12) The recent exaggerated decline in the PM sector will likely act like pulling and letting go of a huge rubber band in terms of how the PM sector will advance after this correction ends.
13) An end of the aggressive and accelerating course of US Dollar Inflation at this time by the Fed would create a deflationary depression that would dwarf that of the 1929 era yet the Fed has gained the right from Congress to inflate to infinity if necessary. That right is the major difference between today and 2008 when nobody could foresee the Fed moving to aggressive Dollar Inflation via debt monetization after they blew out the banking multiplier loan system of Dollar Inflation. Debt monetization, QE, is a more permanent form of Dollar Inflation that cannot easily be reversed, thus the Dollar Devaluation via QE will be mostly permanent leaving a more permanent high price of Gold when it is all over.
14) We believe that we lie at a “load the boat moment” in this historic Gold and Silver bull for Gold, Silver, and the PM stocks.
1. The mid-900s appear to be a realistic target for the HUI Index into year-end, or into early 2012.
2. $52 to $56 should be achievable for silver, with $58 to $62 as real possibilities, by late 2011/ early 2012
3. The next run upward in Gold to the $2250 level followed by $2500 with the
potential for $3,000, or a bit higher, is now on the radar screen for late this
year, or early next.
Source: http://news.goldseek.com/GoldSeek/1317000203.php
Rabu, 7 September 2011
UK Set for More Money-Printing: Goldman Sachs
By: Patrick Allen CNBC EMEA Head of News With the financial system facing renewed stress and global growth faltering economists at Goldman Sachs are predicting Britain will embark on a second round of quantitative easing in the coming months. “A serious concern for the [Bank of England’s] Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) is that, having maintained policy rates at their floor for 2½ years and purchased 200 billion pounds [$322 billion] in assets already, lending supply remains highly constrained and effective lending rates remain high,” Kevin Daly, a European economist at Goldman Sachs [GS 104.56 -2.50 (-2.34%) ] wrote in a research note on Monday.
With the Bank of England worried about the cost of banks' funding and its impact on lending to businesses and consumers, Daly believes QE2 is likely to be the policy response.
“We believe that a strong case can be made for focusing QE2 on ‘credit easing’ (directly targeting the credit spreads that cause the problem), rather than on the purchase of government gilts,” said Daly.
This option is unlikely to be taken up according to Daly as the MPC believes this is the job of the government and fiscal policy.
“The question of how big QE2 is likely to be is intrinsically linked to which assets are bought. But if, as was the case in QE1, purchases are focused on government gilts, then a total of 100 billion pounds over two quarters is a reasonable central case,” Daly added.
If credit easing is not an option for the MPC, Daly believes just buying gilts would be a mistake.
“While we believe that QE2 would be significantly more effective if it were targeted on assets other than gilts, there are still likely to be significant positive benefits from a program of this type,” said Daly.
© 2011 CNBC.com
Source: http://www.cnbc.com/id/44396570/
Selasa, 6 September 2011
Another Reason to Buy Gold: Franc Losing Safety Status
CNBC.com Senior Writer
Mark Hooper | Getty Images
Current DateTime: 04:38:21 06 Sep 2011
LinksList Documentid: 44411776
Krisis di Asia Barat & Kemerosotan Pasaran Saham Antara Faktor Kenaikan Harga Emas
Khamis, 26 Mei 2011
Asian Tiger Sinks Teeth Into Gold
The World Gold Council (WGC) released its quarterly “Gold Demand Trends” report last week and, as always, it was filled with fascinating data on the strength of the global gold market. Gold demand grew 11 percent to 981.3 tons during the first quarter of 2011, worth $43.7 billion at quarter-end’s price levels.
The increase was driven by a significant rise in demand for gold as an investment, up 26 percent from a year ago, as emerging markets look to protect their assets from rising inflation. Demand for gold bars and coins was up 62 percent and 42 percent, respectively.
A slight pullback in prices during the middle of the quarter and “persistent high inflation levels” pushed China into the position as the world’s largest market for gold investment. Chinese citizens devoured nearly 91 tons of gold bars and coins, more than double the amount of a year ago.
This isn’t exactly a new phenomenon in China. From 2007 to 2010, investment demand grew at a compounded annual growth rate of 68 percent, according to the CPM Group. The firm forecasted Chinese investment demand to increase 34.7 percent during 2011 but based on this new data, it may need to adjust its forecast.
Song Qing, director of Shanghai-based Lion Fund Management, told Bloomberg news that, “Gold has taken on a new role in China amid concern about inflation…Just imagine the total wealth in China and even a small percentage of that choosing to buy gold. This demand is going to be enormous.”
The “Love Trade” was also in full swing during the first quarter. Led by India and China, jewelry demand rose 7 percent on a year-over-year basis. Combined, the countries accounted for roughly 67 percent of world total jewelry demand.
For the first time, the demand for gold in China was so strong it outpaced the combined total of the developed West during 2010. If you lump together the gold demand of the U.S., France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, the U.K. and other European countries, the sum of these countries is still outpaced by China. That’s despite triple-digit increases in demand from France, Germany and Switzerland.
The CPM Group says the origins of this milestone in China’s gold market can be traced back to the late 1980s when the government began lifting restrictions on gold ownership. This led to the establishment of the Shanghai Gold Exchange and other ways Chinese citizens could put a portion of their wealth in gold.
Then in 2001, the government lifted its final controls on the gold market, igniting one of the greatest booms in gold demand history. From 2001 to 2010, China’s annual consumption of gold grew at a 7.5 percent compounded annual growth rate.
This chart shows how China’s demand for gold jewelry has increased from just over 500,000 ounces in the late 1980s to over 12 million ounces at the end of 2010, in spite of gold going from $200 to $1,000 and now $1,500 an ounce.
The rise in gold prices and consumption has coincided with a dramatic rise in China’s per capita incomes. The chart on the left shows that per capita incomes in China have risen from around the $3,000 level in 2000 to roughly $7,000 in 2010. This means that the average Chinese citizen has over twice the income he or she did in 2000. Today, China is second only to the U.S. with a middle class population of 157 million people, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
The chart on the right shows, at least in part, what many have chosen to do with that additional money—buy or invest in gold. On a per capita basis, per capita consumption of gold in China has more than doubled since 2005.
Despite this strong rise in per capita consumption, an analyst from Standard Chartered Bank said that there is still much room to grow, “In terms of gold consumption per capita, there is no doubt that [China and India] have a lot of catch-up potential and the impact on gold prices could be dramatic.”
One way China’s per capita consumption can catch up is if investors continue to seek safety from inflation in the yellow metal. Demand for gold as an investment has grown at a 14 percent annual clip since the Chinese government deregulated the local gold market in 2001.
This chart, courtesy of my friend Adrian Day, shows Chinese citizens’ gold investment as a savings. Similar to the other charts I presented, it shows how much China’s gold market has changed over the past 10 years.
The total amount of household savings invested in gold has grown from about $200 billion in the late 1990s to $1.2 trillion in 2010. In fact, the total savings invested just during the first quarter of 2011 is equal to the total amount invested in 2004, and more than the previous six years.
Recently, the government and state banks have encouraged citizens to purchase gold and initiated gold purchasing programs. In February, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) and the WGC launched the “Only Gold Gift Bar” program which offers gold bars weighing 10, 20, 50, 100 and 1000 grams. In less than three months, this program has already generated orders totaling 1.8 tons, according to the WGC.
The first quarter of 2011’s demand trends leads me back to the two drivers I’ve highlighted before and are captured in the new report - Two Key Drivers of Gold Demand: Fear Trade and Love Trade. In the U.S., the Fear Trade, a factor of negative real interest rates and increased deficit spending, is driving demand for gold. In China, India and other emerging markets, the Love Trade, a combination of rising incomes and a cultural affinity for gold, is driving demand for gold.
Together the two are powering gold demand to new levels. Download your copy of the special report now.
By Frank Holmes,
CEO and Chief Investment Officer
U.S. Global Investors
For more updates on global investing from Frank and the rest of the U.S. Global Investors team, follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/USFunds or like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/USFunds. You can also watch exclusive videos on what our research overseas has turned up on our YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/USFunds.
U.S. Global Investors, Inc. is an investment management firm specializing in gold, natural resources, emerging markets and global infrastructure opportunities around the world. The company, headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, manages 13 no-load mutual funds in the U.S. Global Investors fund family, as well as funds for international clients.
All opinions expressed and data provided are subject to change without notice. Some of these opinions may not be appropriate to every investor. None of U.S. Global Investors Funds held any of the securities mentioned in this article as of March 31, 2011.
Selasa, 22 Februari 2011
Untung Atau Rugi Buat Pinjaman Bank Untuk Beli Emas
Saya dedahkan rahsianya kepada anda,
Adakah anda pernah menyesal dan memikirkan risiko kerugian yang bakal dihadapi apabila anda berhutang utntuk membeli sesuatu yang pasti ada susut nilai seperti kereta, TV, sofa, peti ais, komputer, handphone dll...?
Mungkin anda tidak terlalu bimbang akan risiko kerugiannya kerana anda dapat memanfaatkan kemudahannya dalam kehidupan seharian.
Tetapi mengapa anda terlalu bimbang untuk berhutang bagi tujuan pembelian sesuatu yang meningkat nilainya seperti emas? Bukankah pemahaman anda berkenaan pengurusan kewangan dan risiko sudah terbalik?
Saya berikan contoh, anda berhutang RM 100,000 daripada bank dan kesemuanya anda gunakan untuk membeli emas bagi tujuan pelaburan.
Ambil kira purata kenaikan emas tahunan sekitar 25%(rujukan: zerohedge) , hanya selama 4 tahun sahaja anda telah menggandakan wang RM 100k itu tadi. Nah, anda dah boleh jualkan sebahagiannya, dan bayar semula pinjaman RM 100k yang anda gunakan sebagai modal tadi.
Kini anda telah memiliki sejumlah emas bernilai RM 100k secara percuma!! Jika tempoh masa kenaikan harga emas agak perlahan sekalipun ataupun istilahnya 'Worst Case Scenario', mungkin purata kenaikannya hanya sekitar 15% setahun, anda hanya memerlukan tempoh masa selama 7 tahun untuk menggandakan nilainya!!
Jika anda membuat loan ASB sebanyak RM 100k selama 20 tahun, jumlah bayaran bulanannya adalah lebih kurang sama dengan jumlah bayaran untuk Personal Loan sebanyak RM 100k bagi tempoh 20 tahun.
Tetapi boleh kah pelaburan di ASB menggandakan modal asal anda dalam tempoh masa 4-7 tahun shj?
Jika anda menggunakan dividen tahunan untuk bayaran bulanan pada tahun2 berikutnya, bermakna anda hanya akan mendapat RM 100k selepas tempoh matang selama 20 tahun itu.
Cuba anda tukarkan konsep itu dengan membuat Personal Loan dan membeli emas, dalam jangkamasa 20 tahun agak2 berapa kilo emas yang dapat anda kumpulkan?
Mengapa saya menasihatkan Personal Loan selama 20 tahun?
Walaupun interestnya agak tinggi, tetapi bayaran bulanannya adalah rendah, dan kita perlu mengambil kira sekiranya berlaku keadaan 'Worst Case Scenario', maka kita tidak akan terbeban untuk meneruskan bayaran bulanan untuk jangkamasa beberapa tahun lagi, itulah rasionalnya!!
Jangan dirisaukan tahun yang panjang kerana anda telah merancang untuk menyelesaikannya dalam jangkamasa yang lebih awal.
Jangan dibimbangi akan kadar interest yang tinggi, kerana kadar yang tinggi hanya akan dirasai dalam jangkamasa yang panjang dan ianya juga agak berbaloi untuk membayar interest yang agak tinggi sedikit bagi jangkamasa 20 tahun kerana kesannya anda dapat membuat backup plan untuk pelaburan anda sekiranya berlaku situasi2 diluar jangkaan.
Katakan pula jika anda menggunakan konsep Leveraging & Compounding mengikut perkiraan berikut :
Tahun 2 - RM 195,500 x 15% = RM 29,325 (Nilai emas anda telah menjadi RM 224,825)
Tahun 3 - RM 224,825 x 15% = RM 33,723 (Nilai emas anda telah menjadi RM 258,548)
Tahun 4 - RM 258,548 x 15% = RM 38,782 (Nilai emas anda telah menjadi RM 297,330)
Cari pembeli dan jualkan emas anda sekadar untuk menebus semua emas dengan membayar semula pinjaman sebanyak RM 119,000 dari Ar-Rahnu (RM 70,000 + RM 49,000).
Setelah anda membayar semula RM 119,000 kepada Ar-Rahnu, kini nilai bersih emas di tangan anda ialah sebanyak RM 178,330.00!!!!
Untuk langkah seterusnya anda boleh pilih samaada :
a) Pajakkan semula dan gunakan tunai hasil pajakan itu untuk menjelaskan pinjaman modal RM 100k kepada bank.
- Kelebihannya - anda masih mempunyai emas bernilai RM 178,330.00
- Kekurangannya - anda perlu merancang semula bagaimana mahu membayar upah simpan
- Kelebihannya - anda mempunyai aset emas bersih bernilai RM 78,330.00 secara percuma.
- Kekurangannya - anda kehilangan peluang menggandakan nilai pelaburan anda kepada jumlah yang lebih besar.
Jumaat, 18 Februari 2011
Bagaimana Nak Labur Dalam Emas Fizikal
Emas yang dibeli, kita simpan dan tunggu kenaikan harga selepas setahun, dua tahun atau untuk jangka masa beberapa tahun. Seperti mana yang kita tahu bahawa kenaikan harga emas secara purata 25% - 30% setahun bagi tempoh 10 tahun (2000 - 2010). Namun perlu diingat, Zakat adalah wajib dibayar selepas genap haul (setahun hijrah) dengan timbangan sebanyak 85 gram bersamaan 20 dinar (2.5% sahaja daripada nilai semasa emas tersebut - sila rujuk untuk mendapatkan maklumat lanjut). Apabila merasakan kenaikan emas sudah mencukupi (menguntungkan), jual emas tadi. Tetapi, perbezaan harga jual dan beli (spread 6% -15% bergantung kepada syarikat/kedai) akan mengurangkan keuntungan kita. Teknik ini amat mudah dilaksanakan.
* kita perlu menetapkan sasaran kita berapa gram yang kita hendak simpan dalam tempoh masa berapa lama... secara tidak langsung ianya dapat menyelamatkan harta atau wang simpanan kita daripada susut nilai (purata 4% setahun inflasi di Malaysia)
Bagi teknik ini Konsep gadaian Islam AR RAHNU amat sesuai ianya Tiada Unsur Riba'. Pinjaman diberikan oleh ar rahnu sehingga *70% dari nilaian marhun emas (Nilaian emas semasa oleh pihak ar rahnu) dengan upah simpan bulanan yang murah (*70 sen setiap RM100 nilaian marhun emas setiap bulan). Ar rahnu Agrobank atau Bank Rakyat menerima gold bar dan barang kemas dengan nilaian terbaik dan upah simpan termurah. Namun anda dinasihatkan untuk bertanyakan kepada ar rahnu yang terdapat di bank-bank lain di Malaysia.
Contoh ini pula diterangkan dalam jadual di bawah:
Apabila harga emas meningkat sebanyak **13% pada bulan Ogos 2011, saya pon menebus semula(kata lain tukar surat) emas tadi dengan jumlah pinjaman beserta upah simpan (RM11642 + RM698.54). Dan saya terus pajakkan semula emas saya tersebut pada nilai marhun *RM18794.16. Teknik ini pemain emas istilahkan REMPIT. Maka keuntungan bersih yang saya terima adalah RM814.97 untuk enam (6) bulan berkenaan.
Proses ini diulangi setiap enam (6) bulan. Bayaran zakat dikira setiap genap setahun hijrah.
Kelemahan teknik ini: Jika kita menggunakan duit hasil gadaian untuk kegunaan lain, dikhuatiri kita tidak dapat menjelaskan bayaran untuk menebus emas apabila genap tempoh gadaian iaitu selama enam (6) bulan.
Kebaikan: Pendapatan hasil dari teknik ini boleh dilakukan secara berulang setiap enam (6) bulan selagi harga emas meningkat.
*Bagaimana jika hasil gadaian digunakan untuk membeli emas lagi dan digadai? teknik ini akan diterangkan dalam teknik 3 secara ringkas. Penerangan mendalam perlulah secara bersemuka.
Ketiga :
Teknik ini adalah mudah tetapi mungkin kekeliruan dalam pemahaman akan menjejaskan perkiraan anda. Kita beli emas kemudian pajak emas tersebut di Ar-Rahnu (Argobank), bank akan beri kita 70% nilai emas kita. Wang yang kita perolehi dari bank tadi kita beli semula emas dan lepas itu kita pajakkan ianya semula. Klik pada jadual dibawah untuk mengetahui cara kiraannya.
* Nilai mungkin berbeza dari masa ke semasa dan polisi bank yang berubah-ubah. Rujuk bank yang mempunyai kemudahan ar rahnu. di cadangkan Agrobank - menerima gold coin, gold bar dan barang kemas.
** Kenaikan harga emas dipengaruhi pelbagai faktor. Jalankan kajian anda terlebih dahulu sebelum membuat teknik-teknik yang dicadangkan di dalam blogs ini.